When it comes to fitness, there’s so much truth in the old adage “strength in numbers”. We all know that exercising in a group right now might not be as comfortable for some people, but InCycle and InCycle Strength has maintained a stellar record since re-opening in May in keeping our clients safe and healthy with stringent cleaning and safety protocols in place. We are still keeping classes at half capacity and believe that keeping the immune system boosted is a key to remaining healthy. We also firmly believe that when it comes to fitness, exercising in a group enhances every aspect of your workout. Read on for some of the top benefits to group exercise:
1. Tribe Mentality – The healthy actions of others rub off on us states the Journal of Social Sciences – participants gravitate toward the exercise behaviors of those around them.
2. Motivation – Group exercise enhances your motivation, your willingness to nail it – finishing that last sprint with everything you have, that last round of squats when your legs are shaking, that last round of abs…group exercise challenges you to work beyond your perceived limitations. That won’t happen when you are going it alone.
3. Instructor Expertise – There are countless studies showing that the rate of injury is far less when exercising in a group with a certified, expert instructor in the room with you.
4. Focus – Group classes have a singular focus with everyone striving for a similar goal. If you are competitive, a group class can encourage you to try harder. Not competitive, the social aspect will help you to try and keep up and you gain the support and encouragement of the other people in your class.
5. Accountability – Signing up for and attending a group class holds you accountable. How easy it is to blow off a workout at home with no one there to know whether you did or didn’t do your workout.
6. Social Bonding – Mental health is greatly enhanced through group exercise. The support of your friends while working out promotes a sense of comradery, boosts motivation, creates social interaction and makes the workout more fun. It also allows you to meet new people, widening your circle of support and friendship.
7. Pain Tolerance Increases – You are able to push yourself harder, setting and achieving new goals that would not be possible while working out alone. According to a Kansas State University study, people who exercised with someone they considered more advanced increased their workout time and intensity by at least 20%.
Working out together at InCycle and InCycle Strength = Community, Motivation, Duration, Conversation, Inspiration, Commitment, Consistency!!! Our pledge and promise is that we will take the very best care of you, keeping you safe while you enhance both your mental and physical health. Here’s to a happy, healthy 2021 #inthistogether!!!