Why the Mediterranean Diet is so HEALTHY!!
Amid all the superfoods and fad diets, one style of eating consistently comes out on top as the best – the Mediterranean diet. It earns first place rights for its impressive roster of health benefits, including heart protection, weight regulation and cancer reduction. The pillars of the Mediterranean diet are: fish, veggies, fruit, nuts and whole grains. The Mediterranean diet places an emphasis on fresh, colorful eating and shuns heavily processed ingredients and foods. And even though the word “diet” is in the name, this plan is really just a holistic approach to eating that relies on real foods that will keep your heart healthier and your brain sharper (better memory and executive function – research in the journal Neurology likened the diet’s effects to reducing the brain’s age by five years!!).
Whether you decide to fully adopt the philosophies of the Mediterranean diet, or you prefer small incremental steps, every little bit can help you eat and feel healthier! The great thing about eating this way is that you’re sure to find many of your favorite foods are still available to you and you are bound to find lots of new ones that you love too!! Be sure to follow us on social media this week for some great new recipes to try – here’s your first one!!
I will send a couple of other recipes to post throughout the week. Thanks!!
Join us for another great Breath Workshop with Cand Irven.
Thursday Febraury 9th from 6 – 7 pm.
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