Not only does InCycle Strength offer over 20+ group classes every week, but did you know that you can customize a class for yourself and a few friends? We recognize that some clients don’t feel comfortable quite yet returning to a group setting and we are here to help keep you on track with your fitness goals. Our small group training is affordable and effective – you choose your day/time, commit to 4 sessions and we do the rest!!

Pricing Options

One hour semi-private sessions for 4-6 people – $165 per session

(4 people/$41.25 per person, 5 people/$33 per person, 6 people/$27.50 per person)

If personal training is what you have been looking for, email me at for more information about our pricing and available trainers.

Track your progress, watch your body change, feel your mood elevate… the benefits are limitless, and isn’t that worth one hour of your time!!