Mental health experts say it’s very important now to think through how you will adapt to the coming winter months ahead. Start by being okay with the fact that things are still uncertain and that might make you feel anxious, maybe even grieving for the way things were. But, the critical thing is not to stay stuck on those feelings – do something about it. There is so much research that points to exercise as medicine, especially for depression and melancholy. Don’t overlook how important your workouts are, now more than ever! We understand that not everyone feels comfortable coming back into the studio to work out and we have lots of great options until you do!! READ ON for more ways to get your RIDE ON and STRENGTH ON!!

Did you know that InCycle has a state of the art ventilation system that continuously filters in the fresh air? Along with all the other great precautionary protocols that we have in place to keep you safe while you work out, we also can boast about our great ventilation that pumps out the stale air and exchanges it for fresh outside air!! If that still doesn’t convince you to come inside now that the weather is changing, here are a few more options:

Rent an InCycle bike for Use at Home – Only $99/month and you can get your RIDE ON at home!! Email for more information. We are only renting a very limited number of bikes, so reserve yours quickly!!

Try our VOD Library – We now have an extensive video-on-demand library of classes, both cycling, and strength!! The quality of these video-on-demand classes are amazing and you can stay connected with your favorite InCycle instructors until you are ready to join us in the studio!! Email us at for more information.

We Offer Every Cycle Class on Our Schedule Virtually – All you have to do is sign up for a virtual class and you will automatically be emailed a link for that class. Almost like being in the class with your InCycle family!

Small Group and Private Training Sessions are Always an Option – Grab a friend or two and create your own class!! See our small group and private training pricing on our website or email for more information.

So, you see, there is NO reason not to lower your stress about the inevitable colder months ahead. Turn that worry into happiness – focus on the positive, we are here for you!! We cannot change this crazy pandemic for the time being, but we can change how we deal with it!!