Have you already dropped your 2018 resolution to get in shape, to lose that extra weight, to get healthier, stronger, more fit? You are not alone! Here’s how to get back on that fitness track! First, if you fail at your New Year’s resolution attempt, don’t beat yourself up over it. We often struggle to do the things that we know are good for us because we give into impulses for instant gratification. Are you ready to try again? You don’t have to tie your fitness resolution to New Year’s. Use something new as your marker – it doesn’t matter what it is as long as it holds some importance for you. Give it a go – don’t wait until another year rolls around. Find that marker and get started on your new resolution. It is never too late. And remember, be kind to yourself. We talk in much harsher tones to ourselves than we would to other people. So, if your resolution to find that healthier version of you ran off the rails and you want to try again – go for it! Our InCycle team is ready, willing and able to get you back on track